Living with Domestic Violence
by Samantha De Bono
How much do you know about domestic violence? Which of these are correct?
It is estimated that 3%, 13% or 33% of all women experience domestic violence in their lifetime?
In Britain alone, a woman is killed by a violent partner or former partner every week, 3 days or 2 weeks?
On average, how many men a year are killed by their female partners or former partners? 22, 52 or 112
On average, how many women a year are killed by their male partner or former partner? 22, 52 or 112?
When a woman is pregnant, she is less likely, just as likely or more likely to be assaulted by her partner?
In Britain alone, police receive a domestic violence complaint every 60 seconds, 6 minutes or 6 hours?
In Britain alone, a woman is assaulted in her home every 6 seconds, 60 seconds or 6 minutes?
It is estimated that 33% of all women experience domestic violence in their lifetime.
In Britain alone, a woman is killed by a violent partner or former partner every 3 days.
On average, how many men a year are killed by their female partner or former partner? 22.
On average, how many women a year are killed by their male partner or former partner? 112.
When a woman is pregnant, she is 3 times more likely to be assaulted by her partner.
In Britain alone, police receive a domestic violence complaint every 60 seconds.
In Britain alone, a woman is assaulted in her home every 6 seconds.
There is never an excuse for violence, if you are in danger, please read my previous blog about keeping safe.
If you are in or have left a domestic violence situation and would like support and help to move on, please call me on 07588 931 401 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.